
AfterMath Design Unit Pack 2.0 (2.4 MB)

NOTE!!!!: All These Units (And The Pack) REQUIRE The Core Contengency Expansion Pack AND The 3.1 Patch!


Core Myrmidon - Advanced Battle Mech

Arm AArd Shark - L1 Con. Seaplane (92 KB)
Side: Arm
Name: AArd Shark
Designer: JD And Warlord
Type: L1 Construction Seaplane
Built by: Aircraft Plant
Version: 1
Released: 7-19-01

Arm Razorback - Heavy Siege Mech

Arm Dragonfly - Adv. Air Transport (22 KB)
Side: Arm
Name: Dragonfly
Designer: Warlord
Type: Adv. Air Transport
Built by: Advanced Aircraft Plant
Version: 1
Released: 7-19-01

Arm JaDe Eagle - Heavy laser VTOL

Arm Fallout - L2 Anti-Air Missile Vehicle (153 KB)
Side: Arm
Name: Fallout
Designer: Warlord And Rampage
Type: L2 Anti-Air Missile Vehicle
Built by: Advanced Vehicle Plant
Version: 1
Released: 7-19-01

Arm AArd Shark - Mine Laying SeaplaneArm AArd Shark - Mine Laying Seaplane

Arm Fortification Gates - Fortification Gates (45 KB)
Side: Arm
Name: Fortification Gates
Designer: Warlord
Type: Fortification Gates
Built by: All Adv. Construction Units (Arm)
Version: 1
Released: 7-19-01

Arm Mantis - Amphibious Transport

Arm Hammerhead - Kamakazi Sub (67 KB)
Side: Arm
Name: Hammerhead
Designer: Warlord
Type: Kamakazi Sub
Built by: Advanced Ship Yard
Version: 1
Released: 7-19-01

Arm Fabricator - Fortifier/Resource Builder

Arm Head Hunter - Heavy Recon Kbot (152 KB)
Side: Arm
Name: Head Hunter
Designer: Xubor
Type: Head Hunter
Built by: Advanced Kbot Lab
Version: 1
Released: 7-19-01

Arm Jade Eagle - Laser Gunship (19 KB)
Side: Arm
Name: Jade Eagle
Designer: JD
Type: Laser Gunship
Built by: Advanced Aircraft Plant
Version: 1
Released: 7-19-01

Arm Valiant - Mine Laying Ship (96 KB)

Side: Arm
Name: Valiant
Designer: Warlord
Type: Mine Laying Ship
Built by: Shipyard
Version: 1
Released: 7-19-01

Mines Included: Tiny-NS, Area Mine-NS, Focused Mine-NS, HE Area Mine-NS, Precision Mine-NS, and Nuclear Mine-NS

Core Gecko - Skirmish K-Bot

Arm Ragnorok - Guass Tank (89 KB)
Side: Arm
Name: Ragnorok
Designer: Warlord
Type: Guass Tank
Built by: Advanced Vehicle Plant
Version: 1
Released: 7-19-01

Arm MechLab - Constructs L3 Technology (776 KB)

Side: Arm
Name: Razorback
Designer: Warlord And Brother Alpha
Type: L3 Factory
Built by: Adv. Construction Kbot (Arm)
Version: 1
Released: 7-19-01

Arm Razorback - Seige Mech (89 KB)

Side: Arm
Name: Razorback
Designer: Warlord And Brother Alpha
Type: Seige Mech
Built by: Mech Lab
Version: 1
Released: 7-19-01

NOTE: This unit requires the Arm MechLab for it to be built

Arm Ripper - L1 Anti-Air Missile Ship (23 KB)
Side: Arm
Name: Ripper
Designer: Wettis
Type: L1 Missile Ship
Built by: Shipyard
Version: 1
Released: 7-19-01

Core ARV - Assist And Repair Vehicle (29 KB)
Side: Core
Name: ARV
Designer: Xubor
Type: Assist And Repair Vehicle
Built by: Advanced Vehicle Plant
Version: 1
Released: 7-19-01

Core Cougar - Assualt Mech (118 KB)
Side: Core
Name: Cougar
Designer: NJ_Thug And Warlord
Type: Assualt Mech
Built by: Advanced Kbot Lab
Version: 2
Released: 7-19-01

Core Barracuda - Kamakazi Sub (68 KB)
Side: Core
Name: Barracuda
Designer: Warlord
Type: Kamakazi Sub
Built by: Advanced Vehicle Plant
Version: 1
Released: 7-19-01

Core Falcon - Adv. Air Transport (21 KB)
Side: Core
Name: Falcon
Designer: Warlord And Brother Alpha
Type: Adv. Air Transport
Built by: Advanced Aircraft Plant
Version: 1
Released: 7-19-01

Core Fortification Gates - Fortification Gates (50 KB)
Side: Core
Name: Fortification Gates
Designer: Warlord
Type: Fortification Gates
Built by: All Adv. Construction Units (Core)
Version: 1
Released: 7-19-01

Core Gemini - Sheilded Assualt Kbot (213 KB)
Side: Core
Name: Gemini
Designer: Warlord And Brother Alpha
Type: Sheilded Assualt Kbot
Built by: Advanced Kbot Lab
Version: 1
Released: 7-19-01

Core Jeager - L2 Anti-Air Missile Vehicle (185 KB)

Side: Core
Name: Jeager
Designer: Warlord
Type: L2 Anti-Air Missile Vehicle
Built by: Advanced Vehicle Plant
Version: 1
Released: 7-19-01

Core Limiter - Mine Layer Ship (91 KB)

Side: Core
Name: Limiter
Designer: Warlord
Type: Mine Laying Ship
Built by: Shipyard
Version: 1
Released: 7-19-01

Mines Included: Tiny-NS, Area Mine-NS, Focused Mine-NS, HE Area Mine-NS, Precision Mine-NS, and Nuclear Mine-NS

Core Stalker - Fusion Sniper Kbot (115 KB)

Side: Core
Name: Stalker
Designer: Wettis
Type: Fusion Sniper Kbot
Built by: Advanced Kbot Plant
Version: 1
Released: 7-19-01

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